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how do u save game

(1 edit)

On the first crowd  that you see, just after the prologue, i'm talking about the inn, there are some NPCs that don't have a walk animation, they look like they are ice skating... on a wooden floor.

This is more noticeable if you turn 'crowd density' all the way up to 27. Also daaaanm that's a lot of people xD


Yep, they are older placeholder NPC that didn't get animated yet.

Android port plz?


Me too

(2 edits) (+1)

This game is one  of the finest i've ever played :-))

But after finishing the Whispering Bandits quest, the interaction with Samara and Hiho is gone, i can't click to talk to them anymore...


Hi, this should be fixed with the upcoming update.

(1 edit) (+1)

So it is an actual glitch ? Then i guess i'm waiting, please fix it soon, Also i got stuck in the ship's cargo of Samara's story, when the battle comes up

the first secks was so nice

I have a question, is it possible to patch this game in Spanish? (I am interested in the game, I already played from the beginning, but since I am bad at English I feel like I get lost in some parts)


We might translate the game eventually, but there is a LOT of dialogue, so it's not a small endeavour. Don't be afraid to use the walkthrough when you are stuck

can someone tell me where's that damn fence


Check the walkthrough:

Can you make an android newsletter?

We don't plan to work on an Android build before the game is done on desktop unfortunately, because we want to focus our resources on the content.

Lol, I was looking for this and I like this answer, it gives me hope, the game looks so good...I love the art style, keep up the great work!!

thanks, i'm fine

(1 edit) (-1)

I have some problem with launch


wow then write already what type of issues you have :rolleyes:


Our discord is the best place to get help quick:


Please let us enjoy the patreon stuff now, it's been months already


We release a public build with every patreon build. The last one was this month:

(1 edit) (+1)

Even with adjustments that font is....just so illegible like good god. EDIT -Alright I downloaded it full screened it and basically tweaked the color variants of it so I can finally read it and its...still incredibly difficult for me at times's doable now. 

(1 edit)

Is there going to be an android version??

I love the webcomic and RPGs so this would be the best!!


i dont think you understand how big this game is

Just wishful thinking :) either way I'll get it :)


We don't plan to work on an Android build before the game is done on desktop unfortunately, because we want to focus our resources on the content.


that's actually amazing most games I've played seem rushed on android and has major hiccups I'm glad you all are taking the time before you consider it :) , you all rock


Thanks you!

I think the art looks professional and the combat is actually pretty interesting. there were a couple times I caught my self not even playing for the nsfw content, but just to see what happens next. It also helps that the main character is some how really likable. It is clear a lot of thought and effort went into this game and it shows.


Looks pretty decent so far. How am I supposed to get past the guards in the cathedral though? I don´t get it.


Sorry for the very late answer. There is a door on the other side of the cells door, in the dark area.


The new version 12 is on their site :

I have an issue after following the jailer back to the cells in the catacombs, before the battle scene I am stuck on a black screen. 


there is a point in the prologue where I could not move any further, aside from that cant wait for the full thing 

Great game.


its pretty ok

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