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(8 edits)

Neverending batlle in the thief guild have some bugs. I survive 3 or 5 waves and get 2 spawned bandits in one sector. After killing one bandit, the game AI thinks here's the free sector, but that sector still have one thug.  Is it impossible to kill all thieves?
I killed 30-50 bandits, but the game spawns them again.

No it's not possible to survive, but we should probably make them harder in this fight, and fix the overlapping. Thanks.

I thought it's a really good challenge  :'(
(maybe with 100 or 1000 thieves to clear all city from dirt people, lol)

>>but we should probably make them harder in this fight
I forgot to say, I played hard mode. In other battles enemies are very hard.


This sounds great I really hope y'all make an android version soon can't wait for it! Keep up the good work fellas.


hey, i love your game, especially the art of it! With what art programm are you doing that? :)


We use mostly PaintTool SAI.

I used SAI too. lol Awesome tool like Clip Studio Paint! :3

(4 edits) (+1)

Is there any reason to get cards from enemies in the battle? I don't get it at all. How to use stolen cards?


Usually you remove an enemy card to prevent them from doing a strong attack. And seeing their card in advance allow you do prepare for it. You can't "use" their cards.


whats the

packet source for Linux ?

This is a great game. . . .and that is come'n form my view from about a year ago. I mention that because I have been saving the rest of this great game for ONE (kinda two) reasons. No complaint really just one of those "don't want to spoil the game before release" reasons and that is the potential addition of the female player character. So I will be the happy one waiting for that update or full release in a feverous stand for this to come. Can't wait to sink my teeth into this on release day. . . .when ever it comes.  

Thank you! We produce the game in the same order as the story, so there is not that much spoilers, and there is quite a large amount of content already.

Deleted post

No, but we will make an android version eventually.

Deleted 2 years ago


(+2)! Honestly speechless at what these devs have achieved, on par with divinity II. Just wow!

Hey thank you, not quite there yet but we are doing our best!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! I think this game is cool and has top tier animations but will it be available on Android any sooner?


Probably not soon but eventually yes.


hey i love your game so much...and i would like to bought patreon build but beacuse USD is high compare to my countrys money and i cant ğay thta amount of money...can you make a steam version for people like me?i am sure you will get a lot of good responds and if you already planing to do a steam version when it will be relased?


Hey, our goal has always been to publish the full game on steam (and itch), but we want to finished it first, so you might have to be a bit patient for that unfortunately.


i would say this game is a 8 or 9 /10 this is one of the few porn games ive played that would be just as fun even if it was not  pornographic  the scenes are amazingly drawn the combat is fun and the stories  are interesting  i think sometimes its a bit easy to have intercourse with some of the  characters but even that's not even a big problem in conclusion over all the story is really good the gameplay is actually fun even if it wasn't a porn game and if your just playing for the porn you can skip the combat

Hey thanks a lot. We still have a lot of things to improve but that's encouraging.

I am continuously told that a scene hasn't loaded and am told to start from a save. I've done this multiple times and even deleted every save in order to restart from the beginning. Is their a way for me to fix this (I'm using Windows and Build 20)?

Which scene is it?

Entering the Catacombs, however it has recently stopped doing this. It crashed a few times but even that has stopped after a few more tries.

It could be due to your antivirus preventing the scene file to be loaded, it happens to some people, try to whitelist the game. But yes it could also be a bug.

Deleted post

Cant wait for android version.

Damn looks good..will it work with joiplay android?

Eventually yes, but we are focusing on the desktop version for now.

(1 edit) (+1)

easily one of the best games i tried, and I tried a lot of RPGs


Thank you. It's still far from perfect but we are working on it.


The artwork is so solid. <3

hoping to see some more character customization for redic/whatever name players decide to use. and for that customization to actually show up in the art(i.e. skin color). hope i'm not coming off as ungrateful though, been following the game on and off for a while now, and I really like what's been done since I last took a look, extra customization would just make me like it even more than I already do.


Yes you can change his skin / hair / clothes colors already, but as you said it's not reflected in all the art assets yet (it will eventually). But we don't plan to go much further than that (no race or gender change), since it would be a lot of work as can you imagine.


Totally get it, I wasn't really thinking anything too big like race or gender anyway, definitely will support later today


I dont know how to say it, dont want to sound a bit of a downer but, here goes.
The game is great, i got only into like 3 characters quests and exploration.
The idea of patreon version is great for you, im just wondering when the main storyline is pushed or you gain the set target for this game maybe replace the patreon content with new scenes and the old ones should be pushed trough?
Im just giving an idea, dont bully me after this is posted.


Check the walkthrough if you are stuck, there is a lot more than 3 free scenes / quests. But yes keep in mind that this game was always meant to be sold on Itch / Steam when it's done, so it will never be completely free unfortunately. The free version is like a demo, so you can decide if you like it enough to support the development.

Please don't sell it on Steam exclusively. They've 100% banned adult content in many countries including mine. Thank you and please make 20 more Nailah scenes <3

(1 edit)

i can't find anymore quest, i still cant get in the gov area


Check the walkthrough.

(1 edit)

i just want to know how to save


If you can't save it's probably an antivirus issue. See here

Show post...

Ive tried to download the game a few times but it always stop saying that I dont have enough free space even tough I always move it in a 32Gb Usb

Any advice?


The game is 4.5Gb at the moment, make sure you have enough free space on your drive. I am not sure how to help beyond that, it's just a file.

If the game have more languages,it will be more better


It's hard because we have a LOT of dialogue, but we will try.


game keeps crashing saying a problem has occured 

Which version, which OS, where does it crash?

Will this be available for android at some point? Looks really good would love to try it

Yes, but we want to polish the desktop version first.

totally understandable. Can't wait :)

Hello! I can't seem to change the name of the character on the web version on your main website.

Hey, yeah that sounds like a bug. The web versions are just quick demos we put together, we don't intend to spend time on them for now. Check out the desktop version of the game if you are able to, it's a lot more enjoyable to play.

Will there be an Android version?

Yes but probably not in the near future.


I'll wait for it

Deleted 2 years ago

Huh? What do you mean?

nothing wrong message srry

Alright I have played through all content available thus far in build 20? I believe. Any way this game has a really good idea and parts that are ready seem to be really good. I'm definitely waiting for full release so I can see where this train goes. Hopefully it does not become new Forest fortress where game end in a cliff hanger and sequel is never released.

Nah the game will have a full story, which is already loosely settled. Check our walkthrough if you aren't sure you did everything.

Thanks. That's really good.

(4 edits) (+1)

Alright the art Style is great. I left off the dragon and the snake cuz I don't fw them so much. The Game is  50% free 50% patron scenes only so u can only complete one scene with the specific Character otherwise u gotta pay up. Also they made a walk through of this game if u don't know what to do. Still the game is very good imo I just wanna switch my damn weapon and get a double handed greatsword or something.  


Thank you :)

i can't unlock the first scene of Samara

Which version are you playing?


i will update the game this weekend


Alright, let me know if it works with the build 20.

(2 edits)

yeah i got it with the update (i forgot reply you before)

now my question is...
how i can obtain every draw?

(2 edits)
Getting that glitch on phone EVERY TIME and everywhere when starting that scene.Idk how to fix it...But in other that game is beautifull)

Yeah the game is not meant to be played on phones yet, even if you technically can play the web version on modern ones. We might have an android version one day.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you, and yes the combat still need a lot more polishing before being good.

is the game's story related to the Comic's or are they independant?

The game is 87 years before the comic, so there is a loose link.


I know the comic book is but is the game itself still updating?


Yes, the last update came out today! (patreon only though)


can i run this game in mobile joiplay ?


Not at the moment. We will probably have an android version later.

The art and music are phenomenal, but the combat feels obscenely unfair. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm just playing on normal difficulty and every single fight drags on for ages, ending in a victory only after I've had practically every part of my body maimed and am on the verge of death, and often after reloading several game overs. Preparation and Parry prevent me from attacking, so every turn spent using them just feels like I'm giving the enemy free damage, and enemies in even the early game cheerfully throws tons of debuffs on me, like the skeletons which rapidly reduce my main character's damage to 1 with 8 stacks of damage down long before I'm able to maim even one of their limbs.

I was enticed by the porn in the previews, but it's been a tedious struggle just slogging my way through the very first few areas to get to the first scene, but after half an hour of trying to defeat three skeletons at once, each of whom is stronger than either of my own two units, I honestly don't know if I'm capable of reaching a second scene. I understand wanting to make the player work for the reward, but this is ridiculous.


Yeah the combat is still unfinished and unbalanced. You can skip it with the bottom right button if you want.

Gonna report some bug and bit of advice,

sometimes, when pc low spec play the game; npc movement will got freeze and unnatural. for the movement in combat, i recommended to have some optimization

and this for bit of advice for protection in game: when i bit messed up file from save file in locallow (option.json) whenever i click " e " button the game got me to unity screen. so the team might be have piece of mind if some hacker shit got ur game

for all that what i found right now

I am not sure what you mean by the unity screen, could you share a screenshot of it?



when i'm accidently click alt+e this will pop up


Ah yes it's fine, that's our dialogue editor. People are free to use it to edit the game dialogues. We will also have a quest editor next update, which people can use too if they want.


uhm, just a bit opinion..

the game is better when u limit the dialogue editor in main game, and have full version quest editor in separate..

or u can make an option to on/off quest editor, because sometimes whenever someone used quest editor the game have chance got bugged

(1 edit) (+1)

horny boi tells you how to make your game


Hi! I just started and I'm loving it so far but I have a question. Sometimes when I run out of ap or just get to 1 per party member the game doesn't let me do anything nor does it let me end turn and the enemies don't attack either. This pretty much freezes the game and makes me either reset or skip the battle. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


You don't get 9 ap per turn? Against which enemy?


I do get 9 ap per turn, it's just when the ap runs out whether that be through moving or attacking (Or hits one) the game doesn't let me act and it pretty much freezes up, it doesn't progress to enemy phase and I can't end turn or do anything significant, the only actions I can do are look at the help menu, go through the main menu, and look through enemy cards. I'm beginning to think it might have to do with my copy of the game since I've also experienced a few minor bugs like text not loading sometimes, and NPC's appearing directly in the middle of sex scenes just standing there (It happened during the first scene with Terri and it was honestly pretty funny). I also had one massive glitch where I couldn't continue the Crimson Dervish quest because the merchant wouldn't give me any unique dialogue even though I had the quest, I ended up talking to one of your devs (I think his name was deck) on discord about the crimson dervish bug and he told me to send him a copy of my save files and that he would get on it.


Hey that's me. The freeze during the undead fight might be a combat bug. And yeah I will check the rest with you on discord.


Oh yeah I didn't answer the second question, it happened with the undead enemies and the mushroom enemies


Hey, I was wondering if we could get some more quests involving iski. Maybe an option to add her to your party? I know you guys have your hands full with the combat as it is, and the added dialogue from having a new member of the party would be a lot of work. But... I think that her character would add a lot to the game, and a rogue-ish character doesn't exist in terms of combat. You could do all sorts of awesome stuff like backstab bonuses, stealth modifiers, etc. I would definitely be willing to drop some cash on patreon if I knew this was something to look forward to.

If not, that's fine too. Love seeing you guys improve this game and still having the drive to do so for so long, been a fan for quite a while. I made an account just to post this after all. Keep it up!


Yes I agree she would be a great addition and a lot of people like her, but as you said we don't want to spread ourselves too fin, so definitely not in the near future, but there is a good chance we will do something with her eventually.

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