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Out of curiosity will this be released on Android in the future or is it too much for it?


Yes it will, but not in the near future.

I'm a patient person lol. Thanks for the reply.


awesome game...really good job guys....only 1 question...its possible to have more than 9 ap??if u move its impossible to do 2 attack....

Thanks, and yes that's intended. The combat is still a work in progress, so it will make more sense next updates.


another thing....when I use field medicine from  hiho the game get bugged and I can't do nothing only reload the game...maybe if u could do some test on that spell....can be that is my fault but I can't understand why.....thanks again and yes the game is really nice congrats to all for the really good job done

I will check that out. Report all the bugs you find, we'll fix them.


if i can tell u....dunno how or why but i get the quest "whispering bandits" dunno how or where got me this quest and now for go ahead the npc tell me that i need patreon...should not be possible to start it if u dont have patreon...cuz now i got it in my quest list cant finish it and cant remove it.....after 15 years of world of warcraft i get totally triggered if i see a quest in my quest list and i cant do it....if u maybe can check it please...and this is only for knowledge...its possible that not all che chacacter got a combat spell with more upgrade??i mean....samara spear thrust main char slash and why scilla dont have a spell similar with upgrade??u forgott it or it have a sense that she dont have one??if u ask me sound strange that she dont have one.... dunno how many char i can use but i was thinking that everyone got a special combat skill with upgrades..i try to use the skae hiho but with the bug of healing she is pretty useless (really low dagame spell..this is why she hav to heal and buff and no tdoing damage its make a lot of sense to me)now i change hiho for scilla....sorry for my bad english...thanks for answering me....


another little question if i can brooke your balls even more...sorry for the combat i cant understand how to calculate the damage im doing....i see the enemy life and the enemy armor but when i attack i cant understand why sometime i make a lot of damage like ignoring the armor and sometimes i do nothing damage...i know i get spell with only attack and some other with attack and armor breaking but to me seems that the damage is still a bit random...but probably its only my stupidity to not understand how to calculate it....again...awesome work guys...really......( till now i dont need money or buyng special items so i keep all the item i found but could be nice to put some more info in the items to understand if i could use it or if is really to sell it and make money....i got now 53 items of 100 so i got a lot of place and try to not sell nothing all can be good maybe in the future but is a bit useless to bring with u a lot of useless scroll relic and large key that i used one time at the beginn of the game...with some more detailled info we could know if its wort to keep him....sorry again if i....brooke your balls (in italian this means ill bore you) with this kind of thing.... :(

Yeah not all the companions have their skills implemented at the moment. Eventually they will all have unique upgrades for all their skills. And yes whispering bandits is a patreon quest at the moment. For the damage it's hard to say it might be a bug since they are supposed to be consistent (no rng), but different skills affect the armor and health differently, so it might be just that. We will add more description to the items, but you can safely sell most of them, except the gears which can be useful in combat and the food which regenerate health outside combat.


Love the game but every update is telling me to bend over and get fucked once again by my shitty internet. Loving the game so far tho


Yeah we might add an updater to it, since it's getting big.


wanna make a challenge for see who got me worst internet connections?? are u sure??ahahahah last updrade to me takes 2-3 hours if dont crash before...6-700 kb at second....epic XD

Thank you for always

i have coomed, thank you.


Lol, I used] to write for a local newspaper and such, and worked on a couple AA titles before that. I feel like my work is being better used now.


Is there a way to just download the new update ?? it's really annoying to download the full game size again just for an update.

Until we make an actual updater, yes unfortunately.

Deleted post

We planned more content for her and the other girls in the brothel.

Deleted post

You should be able to just run the program directly.

i cant seem to download it no matter what i do

Did you try with this?

that worked, thank you

How do I port saves?

You don't need to do anything, they will still be there.

Thank you


already mad at the prologue

kill rogues ok more come lose anyway (railroaded)

suspicious girl tags along but you cant confront her lies (railroaded)

she rapes you and you cant do anything against it (raildroaded)

after escorting your rapist to the end of the dungeon you actually CAN confront her and guess what... you just earned yourself a bad end lol 


Yes the tutorial quest is on rail. The free-roam comes after the prologue.

Will their ever be a female protagonist? I'd love this game if that were to be implemented.


Not in this particular game. Except for a whole quest where you control Samara.

Can we play with joiplay?

The game is made with Unity so I doubt it. We will make an android version eventually, but the desktop one is the priority atm.


thanks for replying

Is it just me, or are the skeletons (undead) and their damn scream beating my ass? Am I missing something?

Not just you, They beat my ass. HARD-CORE!
I got to the battle with the 3 undead fighting that 1 creature (forgot it's name) i just ended up skipping it 😅 after like a hundred tries xD

Yeah, that's the specific part I was talking about, even. I had to skip it, too. Two skeletons with the massive debuff is bad enough, but three was rough at that point in the game. I could take one down no problem, but it got rough from there.

Yeah we need to re-balance the combat for sure.

So far I've had an easy time with Combat except for the 3 skeletons in the beginning.

I can translate your game into Spanish, if you wish.

so what do you get with patreon support?(please tell me that the adult scenes aren't censored without patreon support)

Recent quests are patreon only, and older ones are public. You can get a full list here:

thanks, one more quick thing. do saves make the journey between updates on their own or is there a few steps to bring save data from a previous version over to a new one

The saves carry on between versions, there is nothing to do.


Btw, I've been meaning to ask.
is there any MxM content in this guy? or plans for it?


No, we only plan to have some FxF.

Aah ok, Thank you, for replying, Again xD

No problem, feel free to join our discord if you have other questions:

I mean.. if you mind people lurking 🤣i tend to be a... bit of a quiet, none-talkative person 😅

Is poor Aya ever going to be a recruitable character?

No, but we have more content planned for her.

Sadness, but better than nothing!

(2 edits)

I tried the little demo you have and plan to play this.

Have you thought of bringing this to Steam, Though?

Yes, but not before the game is done.

Awesome!! I can't wait till it's on Steam!!!~ 😱💙😱💙

Gonna try this later, I'm excited to play >x3

(1 edit)

Awesome game, love all the effort put into it. I'm having issues with the quest asking me to enter the slums to find an informant. The game says 'Unable to Load Map' and freezes up, then kicks me back to the Gate District. Tried using the map to warp in, and just walking to it. And I am on the most recent Build 17 with Patreon active.

Hey, could you zip and send me this folder: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME_HERE\AppData\LocalLow\TeamDeadDeer\PriceForFreedom



In case someone else has the same issue:

Hey man i'm really loving your game and planning to a review on it,may i ask you a couple of questions

Of course, you can easily reach us on discord.

Love the game, but I can't figure out how you're supposed to make money

Doing the quests and selling items you find should earn you enough. But it's not too well balanced yet.

umm question can I play this with 2gb ram?? i really want to play this at first i come here because of the art and that "art" but when i see the pic of the game i feel like i will enjoy this more so pls tell me its possible

I never tested it but it should work. You can try, a big part of the game is free.

The game might crash after a while but we have auto saves.

the game is keep crashing everytime and  i dont know why 

Could you zip and send me this folder: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME_HERE\AppData\LocalLow\TeamDeadDeer\PriceForFreedom


I will look at it.

Can I cheat to win battles ?  oo   :)

I like the art and sex.. not a fan of losing battles lol 

(1 edit) (+1)

Yep, there is a skip combat button at the bottom right. We are reworking the combat system at the moment, to make it more interesting.


Apk version please!!

Probably once the desktop version is done, we don't have resources to spare on android unfortunately.

(2 edits)

Can someone help me, I have unzip the game now how do I play?? I'm still new to all of this

Nevermind I have resolved the problem

Hello TeamDeadDeer, im curious about the games save files, I noticed that the ones i have are only Jpgs and i have never seen that before, is this supposed to be like this?

Hey, yes the game is saved into jpg, so it's easier to check their content.

ah ok tyvm, was just curious :)


What's the WebGL file? Tried to run it but it seems that it won't fully load. 


same thing 

Strange, it does work for me. You could try here instead, we have a bunch.

any new scene for the public?

Not this time, but we might make Osh'To scene public soon.


game looks really amazing!! Will try to support your development!

Thank you, we do our best.


this is a seriously good game, in fact its probably one of the best that i have seen i hope the updates keep on coming, well done


Do you think to do it for mobile in a future?

I know it's not gonna be the same but the animation are amazing! And I try to run it in mobile and it kinda works.

I just was wondering cause is a really cool game and if you added to android or Ios i think it may be well received

Thanks for reading.


We might do it, but we would need to rework the interface significantly, so we prefer to focus on finishing the game on desktop first, given our resources are limited.


Welp then there's its hope.

Thanks for replying!

can you sell this game from steam i love this game but i dont use patreon for many reasons 


We plan to sell it on steam eventually, but not before it is completed. We have a SubscribeStar if you don't like Patreon in particular, but otherwise we plan to release more content for free with every future update.

can you please say when this game will complete 

(1 edit) (+3)

Hard to say, I would guess we are about half way done.


Did a video on the game since I loved it! So hope more people get to know it. 


Does Scylla have an NSFW scene/when is it? I'm unsure whether I missed it or not due to dialogue choices or having other party members. At one point there was even mention I'd be sharing her bedroll in camp at night and it just skipped to the next day immediately. I'm much farther into her quest and just wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything.


Yes she does, but it is Patreon only at the moment. You can check the walkthrough if you have doubts on other quests:

I can't seem to actualy download this to my mac


This link might work better for you


Thank you that worked

Hi, I've been playing the quest Whispering Bandits and for some reason I have went around the village, talked to Pastor Roddis, the Old Man , went to the old cave , found the abandoned camp and went around all of the other buildings but for some reason I can't find Tiemon which he is supposed to be located in the (Inn) so I can grab the key to access the building inside of Roddis church. Can anyone help?


Could you join our discord and send us the zip of your save folder: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\AppData\LocalLow\TeamDeadDeer\PriceForFreedom

In the bug tracker channel.

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