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This game would be extremely popular and in high demand if it were available on Steam.


We are on Steam with this little spin off: Gold & Sand. Avarice will get there too one day, but it's a much bigger game and we want to finish it first.


This game is so fucking well made its unreal. Like HOLY SHIT this is a WELL MADE fucking game. Awesome art too


Will there ever be an android support?

Eventually yes.

Hello, is there a possibility to help somehow in translation? My english not good enough, though. But i wouldn't mind to translate some part of the game on Russian occasionally.

Yes we plan to add a system in game where people can help translate. It's just not in place yet.

the web version is breaking for me, after accidentally closing the tab, the first loading screen is there and the image in it is correct, but the number cycles back to a lower one before the game opens. is there any option aside from deleting cookies and starting over?

You could try to go here:

Then Ctrl + F5

If it doesn't work, try to delete the cache in chrome: F12 > Application > Storage > Cache storage
And delete everything in there.

Then Ctrl + F5

Deleted 265 days ago
(1 edit) (-1)

For the public build, Talk to her after finishing her quest, there should be a dinner at the inn, and then the scene. It's different in the patreon build.

Deleted 265 days ago

You might not have picked the correct answer, I tried it and it seems to work.

(1 edit)

Just curious, but is there a way to complete the Blackfur Baccaract quest without having sex with Samara? Just interested as it seems like the "drinks and meal are fine" options doesn't do anything so I wasn't sure if it was a bug. For some reason, I tend to dislike forced scenes.

(3 edits)

There is no way to avoid it at the moment, but eventually all the scenes will be avoidable. We just didn't rework the older ones yet.

Thanks for the response! Good to hear!

i probably know the answer for this but this game wont get an android version right?


It will when we get the time to work on it.


thank you for the info good luck on future work

Will the full version have voice acted H-scene ?

We have no plans for this at the moment but who knows.


If this game had voice actors or even AI voices it would be a masterpiece, great fighting mechanics, great story, great characters. Keep it up


Can't wait for the Steam releas

Who do i have to find to get these scenes? i have done all quests. their hint says "bath" and "naga".

Anyone know if there is a Jeweler or specific merchant that will pay a better price for the gems and such items?


as far as ive seen its the same price everywher


Mind if anyone would be kind enough to give me the patrion code for unlocking the gallery. I would be thankful.

How do you earn money?

nevermind i found the guild quest


I would play the game but id rather be able to have a furry like character like the snake character or kobold looking character.


We have no plans for this for now, mainly because it would be a tone of work to adapt all the art and dialogue.

Deleted post

It's only in game at the moment. You can play them all in the soundtrack gallery.


Hi! I want to start playing the public version of the game, how much content/scenes I'll be missing if I don't play the patreon version from the begenning? And if I buy the patreon version and my subscription ends, will I still have access to the full game?


Hey, all the quests are here:

You can play the public game and then continue with the patreon version, you wont loose anything.

You will always have access to the version you got while you were a patreon, but not later builds.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the response, the truth is that I don't want to look at the walkthrough to avoid spoilers, what I really wanted to know is if the demo has all the content and then stops at a certain point or if, on the contrary, it is incomplete (missing scenes, missions...) while the game or main story continues to advance


It has all the content and stops.


With the patron version is it a case of patrons get access to content early and said content will eventually become public or is all new content patron only permanently 


It won't become public since the goal is to sell the game here and on Steam once it is finished.

(1 edit)

ah got it thanks for answering cant wait for the steam paid release

What price are you expecting to charge on steam?

(2 edits)

No idea yet for Avarice.

Will there be an android version

Eventually yes.

hey, I've downloaded the game and extracted it but it start up

Could you post your issue in our discord bug tracker channel?


Trying this game out, pretty good so far, but I'm stuck on a quest.  I'm trying to recover an amulet for the naga priestess, but I can't win the fight at the Thieves' Den.  I thought I was doing good, but then a second wave came... I eventually managed to defeat the second wave after several tries (after figuring out that I could bring Samara along), but then there was a THIRD wave.  This fight is ludicrously difficult for something this early in the game... I know there's a non-violent solution to the quest, but I want the exp, damnit!


There's a FOURTH wave. won't let me post screenshots for some reason, but each wave gets more enemies, and now more than half the tiles are filled by enemies.  I feel like this might be intended to be unwinnable.  :P


Fifth wave.  Almost every tile is covered by a bandit.  I hope I get some sort of reward for getting through all these.  Like, obviously this isn't how you're supposed to resolve the quest, but some sort of easter egg would be nice.  XD


I got to the sixth wave.  Almost every tile has an enemy, including the tile I'm standing in (sometimes they glitch and have multiple things in one tile).  The game lags even when idling.  I think I'll stop this here.


You aren't actually supposed to fight the whole thieves guild, you need to choose the proper answer in the dialogue. This was one of our first quests ever, we need to upgrade it a bit.


Yeah, turns out the thieve's guild is a bit bigger than I thought.  I was kind of under the impression this was a smalltime joint and not The Thieve's Guild (tm), since there's not too many people visible onscreen when you walk in, and the fight looks winnable until more enemies teleport in.

Personally, I thought it'd be funny if you got some sort of joke ending for killing enough of the bandits.  ie, a very tongue in cheek story where you heroically kill each and every bandit in the city and save the world (tm), complete with a CG drawn with the artist's off hand in crayon depicting people celebrating you as the legendary bandit killer.

... or just give the player an instant game over, like if they try to immediately expose Lady Wolf to Sa'id.


Well we plan to add an actual fight with Lady Wolf if you expose her there. But of course there is no way you can win either.


will there be character customization in future???

(1 edit) (+1)

No, nothing beyond simple customization, because Redic isn't a blank slate like in Skyrim for example, it's someone with an established past and backstory.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

How often does the game (by that I mean PfF: Avarice, and not Gold and Sand)  update and will patreon quests be eventually open for public as the game progresses and gets updated on and on?


Ideally every 1/2 months, but we rarely manage to do that sadly. We don't plan to release more public quests since the goal is to sell the game on Steam and here when it's done. The public quests are more there to help people decide if they like the game enough to support it.

Just wondering, does this game have a Screenshot button/mechanic?

Press "H" to hide all the UI. But that's about it.

Thank you very much, that alone is a BIG help.

Hello! I'm an artist looking for a job. How can I contact the company?

You can ask the devs on our discord:

Unable to parse Build/PriceForFreedom_31_WebGL.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

This error happens on the browser version of the game.

Strange, could you try with a different browser?

Hi, isn't there a set price like any other game, where you can have access to the game with future updates, without having to be subscribed to patreon? because in the end, the game will cost more than valdurs gate(as an example).

I really want to buy it, but losing access to future updates if you don't renew your patreon subscription abstains me from buying it.


The full game will be sold here and on Steam when it is finished, but not before. Patreon / SubscribeStar community donations is the only way we are able to finance this game development properly, since we don't have the backing of publishers or investors, and we don't want to sell a half backed product. It's not ideal but there is no way around it.

Do you intend to continue adding content to this game? I saw that you have a new project, correct?


Yes, this game is our main project. Gold & Sand is a little spinoff project with a self contained story happening before Avarice events. More about this here.


Does the difficulty of the game change the story at all?


Not at the moment, only the combat is affected.

ready thanks


Super excited for this hopefully we will see an Android version one day!

Hello, I saw that a translation into Russian is being prepared, thank you for your efforts, I hope that it will be released this year, I really want to play the game, but I can't because I don't know English, the game is very memorable in its gameplay and visual design. as soon as the game is released. a translation will appear, I will subscribe to Patreon and enjoy the game

is there any cheats?

(2 edits) (+1)

Yes but you need Patreon to use it.

Do you guys plan on translating to other languages? I have some friends in Russia that are in love with the artstyle and combat system wanting to understand the lore'n'story stuff, but I'm just giving them a second-hand translation on the go, which is fine by me but they don't want to have me at all times they want to play lol


Yes the game will be available in a lot of languages including Russian (machine translated).

Is there a difference between the game on the website and the downloaded one?

The web version is only the public build, without the patreon content. Check the walkthrough to see all the quests available.


Quick question: Will PfF: Gold and Sand be purchasable on Itch for those of us who can't get it on Steam?


Yes, Gold & Sand will be in Itch as well.


Thanks both for the quick response and for bringing the game here! :)

TeamDeadDeer. the mission to find shamara when she leaves a letter is a bug?

The guide says to talk to the beggar or the surgeon but neither gives that dialogue. 

Could you send a bug report (bottom left button in the main menu).

Deleted 352 days ago

Thank you!

I can't get past the part where i fight 6 BANDITS help meeee

i've tried everything and i want to progress in the game, and im on easy mode

In which quest are you?

Did you check the walkthrough?

Ok so my dumbass didn't see the door that leads me to my first undead encounter so i powered through the bandits, only to not be able to get out . I also progressed alot and i got a taste of the snakeussy . Thanks <3

(2 edits) (+1)

Aye that's the wrong way, there is a whole bandits company outside. Glad you enjoy the Hiho.


When will Android come out


Eventually yes.

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