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Will be able to play on Android?


Yes, eventually.

I was going to ask the same thing, this game look amazing I can't wait for it to drop on Android too

(2 edits)

Não e no jogo mesmo que não aparece


is there any task menu so I can know what mission next?

There is a walkthrough. And the quests are listed in the game journal.


Why are the linux & windows version 0.35.2 while Safari 0.35.1? I mean it's taking an estimated 5 hours+ to download so I'm not going to download it again but

Your game should ask if you want to update to 35.2 when you launch it, hopefully.


I’m having a problem running on browser where while loading it crashes at 53MB every time. is there anything I can do to stop this from happening. 

Which browser? Could you try with a different one?

I’m running on google crome


Been a patreon paid member for a few months in the past, I completely fell in love with the art style, really high quality, congrats to the whole team! personal opinion is that I would love to see more feet in the future, the unique artstyle is my favorite part of the game.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Thank you, we do have some feet stuff planned.



Yes sort of, but pregnancy itself won't be part of any smut scene.

(2 edits)

the general settings are not showing up for me to change the language, what do I do?

Do you mean the language dropdown doesn't work? In the web version?


i wish web version had a import/export save, i can play on mobile, but after a few minutes it keeps playing the music but nothing shows. so i'm needing to save, load, play a little, savw again, load again and so on.

but after a few days my browser loses the memory about the game or something like that, i lost my saves...

loving the combat mechanics so far 💜

just hard to control which part is being attacked in mobile,but thats fine 💜

(1 edit)

We will add this feature next update, you'll be able to download a zip of your saves, and load them (in the web or windows versions).


When will the android version be released? And will it come out at all?


We are working on it.



I remembered playing this game years ago and couldn't remember what it was called to find it again. Searched all the main game sites for hours, including itch, couldn't find it.
Given up, browsing other games and happened to see a picture of a snake girl right at the bottom of the Gold & Sand blurb and that led me here!

(1 edit) (+2)

Welcome back :D


Just picked up the game, i didnt see any tags saying there was but can you knock up people in the game and or your companions by chance?


Kind of, the time-span in game is too short to portray it, and it's not really fetishized, but things might happen late game.


I need to pay once to access the full game? or i need to pay monthly for the access?  i was waiting for the full game release to buy it complete


Supporting the game on Patreon gives access to the latest version. You will keep access to that version even if you end your support, but you won't get future versions. For the full game you'll have to wait until it is finished and sold on Steam / Itch.

What's the latest version on Patreon if you don't mind my asking?


O menu geral da configuração não aparece para mim isso é um bug?

(1 edit) (+1)

Android support can be?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Since Android support will have to wait, could it be possible that the WebGL version gets uploaded as a download option, since JoiPlay can run it? It currently doesn't support Unity win files, but the Web version works


It's available for download here. Just keep in mind it's not the full game.


I get a crash when I interact with Aya. Is there any way to solve it?

Oh no, after the update, any task I perform will crash.
(1 edit)

Could you send a bug report in game? Bottom left in the main menu.

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is there a way to download saves from itch and move to another device?

It's been way too long since ive played this

It's not possible at the moment, sorry.

is there a way to move clementine mid fight? i cant use Sa'id since shes in the way so im facing an unwinnable 1v4. (i dont want to cheat or anything thatll finish the fight without beating it fair)

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This feels like something she would do :p

You can't move her at all in the current version, but we plan to give her some utility later. So you might have to cheat this one unfortunatly.

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much much love for keeping the game free, made an account just to commend you ♥

didnt even try the game yet but it looks like a very high quality game :3


Well we have a sizable demo that is free, but the full game isn't. Gotta make a living man :<

(1 edit)

This game is great and I love it,  but I'm having a hard time with some collectibles, mainly the one with the hint "Hiho Market" as nothing I've done in the market with Hiho has given a collectible.

Sadly some of them aren't used in the game yet, and you'll need to use the cheat code to see them.

(1 edit)

The Price of Freedom: Avarice may arrive on Steam sooner or later?  This game just has incredible potential. I look forward to further updates.

Thank you, Gold & Sand will be sold on Steam and here before Avarice, because the scope is a lot smaller.


i really enjoy this game and can't wait for the full release

Thank you

What games inspired this one? The skills and progression in general reminds me of something but i cant point my finger at it.

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The combat is somewhat inspired by Kingdom Death. The game in general is inspired by the original Baldur's gates, Pillars of Eternity, and other cRPG.

Thank you for answering


Include a content warning, you piece of shit. I'm sick of people pushing their rape fetishes on normal people and acting like victims if people aren't happy. You make me fucking sick, and I hope some day you come to your senses and realize that your actions affect people outside of your echo chamber.


Crashout detected


Wow, how astute. What tipped you off?

(2 edits) (+15)(-4)

There is no rape though, the most you get is a dubious consent scene which is avoidable and serves the story... You might want to take a nap.


dubious consent? She put a knife to your throat and threatened to kill you! There’s nothing “dubious” about it, and It’s the first scene in the game.


I didn't get that scene.... so it is avoidable. also it wasn't force from what i saw when i replayed it guy was down for it.


Well I did get that scene, and it must have played out differently for you. I don't care if there's a way to avoid it. If you don't tell the player how to avoid it, and you make it so that it can show a rape scene, that's a problem. It doesn't matter that there's only a chance that the player will see it. It doesn't matter if it's a punishment for rapophobes. It doesn't matter that only idiots can see it. If you put a rape scene in a game, you put a disclaimer, especially if the scene glorifies rape.


well now I got it, and once again it's not rape.. the guy literally agrees to it because that's the choice you make if you disagree you can avoid still. But he literally says "who am I to deny a beatuful lady like you" sooooo once again how is it rape, agreesive sex maybe, but certainly not rape, by the way she points her tail at you after that fact shook clearly it wasn't meant to suggest rape either.


Individuals like this thrive on being offended, because it makes them feel like they have power over others.  Give an inch, and they never stop.

Keep making the art and stories you enjoy.  Those who find it not to their taste can play something else, and emotional vampires like this troll can take their toxicity elsewhere.  They are not adding anything to your community.

(1 edit) (+10)

based on your comment history, all you seem to enjoy doing is being negative. Is that your fetish? You realize that your negative actions affect people outside if your echo chamber? Your comments should include a content warning for being only negative, you piece of shit. I'm sick of you pushing your negativity fetish on normal people and acting like a victim if people aren't ok with it.


That's a stupid thing to say. I don't live in an echo chamber. If I remained in an echo chamber, you wouldn't see me. Making a few negative comments isn't a fetish. I am well aware that my actions affect others. I maintain that interaction between communities is to be expected, and a policy of never saying negative things is not desirable. You're trying too hard to portray me as a hypocrite, and it's not working.

Anyway, based on your comment history, you're not exactly a ray of sunshine either.


I'm not portraying you as a hypocrite, I'm making fun of you, most of my comment is just a rearranged rip of yours.


Yes, I read your comment. You are telling me that I'm doing the thing I criticize others for. That is what a hypcrite does. You can't unsay things. You'll understand that when you're older.

You are bloody clueless my guy...

If you don't like this game, please delete it and get out.

I deleted it, and I got out. I criticized the behavior because I find it repugnant. Now I'm only responding to what people tell me. It's not a good idea to stick your head in the sand and claim that you should never criticize speech. Even if you agree with this speech, you have to understand that it will be challenged.

If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple. No one is raping you irl, no one is forcing you to play. As soon as you see content you don't want to be involved in, close the game. Alt f4. Go touch grass. 

Would a content warning be helpful? Sure. 
You suggest this, and insult the developer in your first sentence.

You are a piece of shit, for snapping and crashing out on the maker of a fucking porn game for not doing things the way you'd prefer. Take your "high values" and "holier than thou" attitude and fuck off somewhere. You make me fucking sick, and I hope some day you come to your senses and realize that your actions affect people outside of your echo chamber. Try talking to someone irl like this and see what fucking happens. Can't alt F4 then...


How do you end the unskippable tutorial fight? Genuinely lost interest in the game for that one section stuck in. Heck you CAN'T kill the enemies.. IN A TUTORIAL FIGHT TO END IT.

Actually want to leave that part altogether because that part really is pain.

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Could you send a screenshot?

I think you may be doing it wrong? Because I did the tutorial just now and it works.

Yeah, think so too.

Hard restarted the game and it seems all fine. Not sure what went wrong but yeah.

Still though, the game is fun.

Congrats on getting it to work 🫡 

And yeah, the game is fun


Is there a public roadmap for the game?

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Next update will be Samara (beginning of next month), next is Hiho (this year), next is main quest.

 If I want I can buy it and it will come with all the characters?

You can't buy the game yet, but you can support the game on Patreon, which gives access to all the characters ($5 tier).

is this currently or will be compatible with steamdeck or rog ally?


It should work fine on both. We don't have the hardware to test at the moment.

Whether there is a task guide, I can't find a place

We have a walkthrough here.

Oh, thanks

Will the patreaon-only scenes ever be released publicly?


No because we plan to sell the full game on Steam / Itch. The public build is a demo so you can decide if you like the game enough to support its development.


When will Ukrainian localization work in dialogues?

It's supposed to work if you select it in the languages. Could need a game restart maybe?

(1 edit)

I put Ukrainian in the game settings, and everything was translated perfectly except for the dialogues. Instead of dialogues, there were punctuation marks. Restarting the game didn't help. I'm sorry if I explained something strangely, I'm writing it through Google Translate😅

I see, it's a font issue. Are you on windows 11?

Windows 10

We plan to rework the dialogue box for Gold & Sand, which should fix this issue on Avarice too.

(3 edits)

Are you going to release it for mobile devices? 



Thank you, I've been waiting for a long time

We want it too but we can't make promises on when yet.

Will there be a android release?


Will we be able to purchase the final version through itch?

Yes, the full game will be available on Itch once it is finished.


Lovely game, you can tell they care deeply about their product and their supporters.

Also rarely does Hgames actually feel like actual games.. this one does.

Thank you!


This game is a miracle🥰, I gave it to my friends

Thanks for sharing :p


Can i playing joiplay?

I never tried but it doesn't work from what I heard.

When I try to enter buildings in the government district, the game goes black, in the transition from outside to inside. I can still see the menu options on the top right however.

I can enter end exit buildings just fine in places other than the government district.

Could you send a bug report just after it happens? Using the bottom left button in the main menu. So I can check your logs.

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