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I cannot seem to get out of the Gallery scene I selected. I try going through the whole thing, and it just keeps restarting.


Which scene is it?


the red ogress who misses an eye? Can't remember her name but it's the first scene you get with her on the kyot mission. However, when I'd try to select another scene to try to get out of it, those would be stuck too.


What do you mean by restarting exactly? The scenes you open in the gallery aren't meant to lead to anything else when they are done, the gallery window is just supposed to show up. Does the scene restart from the beginning? Or are you not able to load a game save after that?

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The scene restarts rather than giving me an option to go back to the game. Most other games I play will usually allow me to return to the gameplay after replaying a scene. Once I replay a scene, it does go back to the Gallery Window, but when I try to hit "continue" or "back", it just replays the exact same scene. I am uncertain if this is intentional or not, but a QOL update would be nice to return you to the game rather than putting the scene on repeat.

(Granted, this is with the Demo version. I have not played the Patreon version yet.)

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Ah yes I see, that's because loading the gallery unloads the current game, which is intentional but also not ideal. Will look for a better solution, such as "continue" loading the last save in this case. Thank you.


I wish it on a android

I wish this as well


is this the demo version?


Yes there is a public version which is still several hours of gameplay. And if you like it there is the Patreon version, which is tens of hours of play at this point.

Everytime I open up the game it creates a new file that stays on my computer, I have like 56GB of it on my pc. It takes up 6GB every single time I open it. This is bullshit.

What are these files names and where are they? 


Sorry, I can not remember exactly where. But everytime I opened it up, it said something about there not being anymore space on my c:. Even though I had plenty before, so I checked, it said I had no space left. I uninstalled something ran it again. and like 6gb more got taken...

Yeah that's pretty strange, I never heard of this behavior, and I have no idea what could cause this to be honest. The only files created should be the saves here C:\Users\USER\AppData\LocalLow\TeamDeadDeer\PriceForFreedom

If you have the chance, could you run it again and tell me the name and place of the files created?

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I am so sorry, I was on a trip and forgot all about responding. But I can try.

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It does not tell me where the files are located. I just suddenly have less space on my pc afterwards. It may just be my computer that is weird.

Okay it's not longer an issue, it seems like the storage it takes gets returned as soon as I restart the pc.

This game keeps opening on the wrong monitor. Is there a way to stop this?

There is no setting for this at the moment, but try this shortcut to change monitor: Windows Key + Shift + Left / Right Arrow.

Or choose the window mode in the options.


futa protagonist mod? pls!

Since Redic is an elf does that mean he's still alive during the comic?


Elves in general don't live much longer than humans in this setting. The main difference it a slightly better hearing, which make them good sailors.

Can it run on Joiplay? Or will it be made for the Android version?




bro is *mad* lmao


I actually love reading


It's fine, we understand reading isn't for everyone. Also if anyone doesn't have sound, make sure it's not muted in the settings.


Bro mad bc he has to READ LMAO!


Any plans for Android?


Plans but no time yet :/

I look forward to when you do release a version for Android. Been following this for over a year, and it looks good. I know its a completely different challenge for mobile.

Deleted 1 year ago

It should definitely not. Do you reach this after a long play session, or just when you start?

Deleted 1 year ago

Can't find anything in or out of the game that explains stuff like what the skill tags mean. Deadly? LIghtweight? Sharp? What does Blunt damage mean?
Where do I find this information? (otherwise liking it so far, keep it up)


Yeah we need some easier way to explain those. You can find what they mean in the codex combat glossary.

Thanks. Had no idea that the combat glossary was a "book". Though, presumably I must have picked it up at some point and forgotten.


It's in the codex. Press C to access it.

The mac port runs very badly. Is this something on my end or is this the nature of the port?

Is it running bad only in the exterior locations, or in the interior as well?

As soon as I step out for the first battle, it lags so hard I can interact with anything.

Alright, I think it's the sand storm particle system going rogue. We'll fix it next update.


Any plans for an android version?

I downloaded the game earlier since I wanted to check it out. However, when I booted it up it was loading so slow it only stayed around 25%. Is there a way to fix this?

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You can download the full game here:

And there is more alternative links here:


Please make it for Android

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I have one single question, Will the game be on mobile ? , or is there any way i can play on mobile ?


Sadly not at the moment, but we plan to support android.

Show post...

Wow, there is a lot of wild content in this game!

Many hours of wild content!


I don't know if it's just my computer, or the software, but Unity games DO NOT work for me. 

We had a few reports that the game doesn't run on older laptops with no GPU, is it your case? Are you on Windows?


Windows, yes, as for a GPU, I'm a novice with computers, and I don't know what that is

This game looks incredible! I cannot wait to try it out <3

Well no need to wait, a good chunk of it is free :p

Deleted 1 year ago

The good new is we are working on a machine translation. Obviously not as good as a professional one, but better than nothing at least.

what key i have to use to go downstairs

Check our walkthrough if you are lost.

Hey, is anyone else having issues with download times? It took more than a minute to download a scene since it was downloading at 5kbps instead of 5mbps. I can download other files over the internet just fine, however.

Nevermind, it seems to have fixed itself


Sorry about that, there is alternative download links here for anyone with this issue.

Is the patreon version and this version the same?

Pretty sure the patreon version has more content

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Oh I see thank you

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The only difference is the Patreon version has quite a lot more quests.


Android version

There is no Android version rn. The game is built in Unity WebGL and as such currently can't be ported to Android. Until Android gets proper support for Unity WebGL it simply can't be done. As it stands only newer high end phones can run Unity WebGL and even those have trouble doing so.

One day yes.


Looks amazing. Does it have any NTR/swinging content?


We don't plan to have NTR.


android version ??

There is no Android version rn. The game is built in Unity WebGL and as such currently can't be ported to Android. Until Android gets proper support for Unity WebGL it simply can't be done. As it stands only newer high end phones can run Unity WebGL and even those have trouble doing so. 

We have plans for it.

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i cant find the gate key i looked in every room searched every clickebel thing but no im stuck in the ceremony

Check the walkthrough if you are still stuck, it's on the floor of a nearby room.

I encounterd a bug after completing Veronas fruit of labor quest it forced me to start the Shamara quest and the scenes with Samaras model are naked. As you can imagine this was quite concerning throughout the entire quest being not only being in the slums but fighting bandits and flesh monsters. I only realized it was a bug once there was no dialouge mentioning it and she was naked in the bar as shown in the screenshot. 

Hahaha, sorry for the late replay, do you still have saves with this issue?

I should unless they were invalidated after the update. How should I go about giving you the save?


Is buying Patreon access a one-time thing, or do you need to stay subscribed? I wouldn't mind paying $30 or $40 for early access, but having to remain subbed is ehhh.

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If you stop supporting us on Patreon you will still be able to play the version of the game you paid for forever. And you can reinstall it from the archives. But you won't be able to unlock the newer versions.
And yes the goal is to release the game on steam when it's done.

The combat and story is great It took me a bit to get used to how the combat works but now that I know how to work it I love it :) Also do you know when you're going to add sound? Its kind of awkward being in my dark room while its very quiet and the only sound I hear is me clicking xD. Unless thats a bug I have. If so, you got a solution?

Sound is muted by default. Its in the settings ;P

Ah, I checked it and the sound said it was on lol. Ill check it sometime later.

Yeah make sure it's not muted in the settings.

Hi i just made this account to say that this game looks amazing i would love to try it out but i have only android device currently so here is my question will you make it also on android and if yes then when ? 

Yes we have plans to port it on android, it's just a lot of work that we prefer to focus on new content at the moment.

There is soo much good to say about this game.

Quality wise it is a 10/10

Story? Well built with lots of flavor and even some comedy here and there

Art? Every scene looks like a top quality post you'd find on popular porn image sites

Combat? CRISPY, gives you a chance to "cooldown" between scenes ;) Dont like it? you can even skip the lesser fights.

Still not convinced? They even have COMICS. Seriously check this game out and checkout theyre website

Hey, thank you.

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Damn, really solid game. Fun combat mechanics, awesome artwork, and fantastic music. Great work so far!

I've seen at least a few posts on Twitter, but do you share details about the game's development process anywhere? Like, how you've built and use some of your tools in Unity? It's always fun to see some of the behind the scenes stuff.

Also, is the soundtrack for the game available anywhere? Really diggin' it. :)


Thank you, we post devlogs on Patreon, although is behind the 1$ paywall sadly.

Some soundtracks are on our composers websites: Dirk J. Neef and Psyware.

my game does not have any sound, i have no idea what causing it.

im on windows pc

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

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Hi, just booted up the Linux version of this game (I'm on Ubuntu 22.04) and it was updating just fine for a few minutes, when it froze and (I kid you not) kicked me out to the TTY Boot Menu??? Like my entire laptop just crashed. Needless to say I am very confused. This game looks amazing and I would love to play it. If you want me to send my crash log or anything to help fix it, I'd be happy to

I ran through the same issue on Arch Linux. Try and launch the game with X11 instead of Wayland, it solved the issue for me!

I tried it on Ubuntu and it seems to work fine for me. Did Colorful Moth comment solved the issue for you as well?

I mean, the erotic part is cool and all, but the combat is the best I have seen in a while

Thanks, the combat is still quite underdeveloped, but we have plans to remedy that.


NOOOOO all the screenshots and banners made me think there was a female protagonist. Fuck. Well you put it in the description so i didn't waste time downloading. 

God this one looked so good too. 




Dont listen to them. They may have absolutely no reason to even comment if they didnt even download the game, but you're game is still a very great and fun game. 

You're game is one of the best ones on here. Stay strong and keep working on the amazing content :)


Honestly, they probably just wanted to watch a women get r*ped multiple times. which is the exact reason I don't play female protag games. So, basically that comment wasn't valid since they just want to play a different genre and simply wanted to point that out for no apparent reason whatsoever,,,,smh. 

To the original question I had before seeing that comment, is there a way to farm money reliably in the game such as enemy spawns or like a buy/sell method where you buy an item from one merchant that sells for more at another?

That's why I also don't play female protag games. And also because I don't like lesbian stuff. 

Also, if she wants some lesbian action then she can go to another game. But coming on here and talking about how she thought the protag was female even though it shows a dude in a couple of the pictures, not even downloading it, and unintentionally trying to downgrade the creators 

(Probably not what she's trying to do but its what I happened when one of the employees put a ":<"

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I didn't think it was a hate comment. I usually only play female protagonist games because I can't really relate to males as a mostly femme leaning  afab person.

Makes sense. But still they don't gotta be like "aw this game looked so good but since the mc's not female I'm not gonna download it." It's a real dick thing to say to someone who worked hard on making this game. (ignore the fact I'm answering you 8 months later I just now checked my replies)


It's still a good game, you know.. And wow, just today they announced a new game with a female protagonist - Price for Freedom: Gold & Sand!

Honestly I was blown away by how much I loved this, like as far as H scenes go 10/10 this is beyond any other game leaps and bounds to me

But here's the thing I didn't expect to love the combat anywhere near as much as I did, the combat is really fun and then if you don't like it there's the option to skip it, you can customise your skills and swap the odd party member out, (max party of 3)

Honestly if anyone is on the fence and is reading this just play it, it's fucking great. 

And if the devs read this thanks heaps for making this, it's amazing!

Thank you! The combat still needs quite a bit of improvements, but I am glad you liked it, at least we are going in the right direction.

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