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Hello here. I'm curious, I see a picture of gameplay with a party of five persons on this page, but in game I can only have three... Is it something not fully implemented yet?


The maximum is a party of 3 and we don't intend to increase it except for specific quests.
That being said you can add more companions with the cheat code. That's not the intended gameplay but it works fine.

If you have a party of 5, all dialogue of all 4 female characters will be triggered, right? Can i have know how to do that, i would love to see all the reaction all at one, not through multiple playthrought. And thanks you for making the game, it is so great!

Yes, you need to enable the cheats options in the menu (with the cheat code from patreon).

Thanks you


combat is super confusing for me :c


its easy brah yellow juice is armor, red juice is HP and, the red long juice below all of the little one is the real life juice. if red bar go bye bye you put bad stuff on enemy and now his red juice is coming out, if you hit the bar with no red or yellow juice he takes less damage then if bad guy has low life juice you can execute him by basic attacking the little bar with no red juice :3

(1 edit)

it is a bit confusing but its a unique mechanic


i need a straw item... like the one in TBoI, the one that makes you leak blood, but usable on enemies



How can i meet the crimson dervish ???idk

Check the walkthrough.

Deleted 220 days ago
Deleted 220 days ago

How much of the game is locked behind patreon ? didnt played new version yet , i remember i played it few years ago and almost all of it was behind patreon back then.

Check the walkthrough. Essentially everything above whispering bandits is free.

could you explain how exactly the Patreon gives access to the full game. Is there a download link? or some sorta code like the gallery? thanks


The download link is the same, you just login to patreon through the game when it starts to unlock everything. And yes there is also a cheat code for the gallery and cheating.

What's the difference between the Patreon build?

The public builds has less quests and scenes. It's essentially a demo so you can decide if you like the game enough to support us.
You can check the quests here:


Will this be on android any chance? Because I am android user I just want to know.


One day yes.

ok thanks 

scylla's first intimate scene is bugged, all i can see is an abomination of random arms and legs like some eldritch monster lmao


Oh... well it's canon now I guess.


This game is super fucking good


is  there any gay type content?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

There is lesbian stuff, but no mxm.




You know, for as good as this is, I am honestly rather upset the game just ends when I tell Sa'id. Very linear, at least thus far.


Well you can't really expect to live after revealing her secret, especially since she is testing you the whole time.

So... My first comment on , i need to express all the emotions... Good!

The game is incredibly cool and addictive.

I agree with @bobofwestoregonusa about "the closest hybrid of baldur's Gate and final fantasy tactics". I agree on another point: This masterpiece definitely needs  steam!

I confess that I missed some moments of the dialogues... I missed it because of my little-known English... So that's it! If this miracle also has localization (including the RUS, pliz), then the project will receive 100/10 from me. But for now, unfortunately, I can only give a miserable 80/10.

Please forgive me if I am expressing myself incorrectly... The review was written using Google Translate.

If U try to translate with a soul, then my early estimate may even exceed two hundred))


Thank you, for now we are working on having as many machine translation as we can, and later we'll probably have ways for native speakers to improve it.


This is probably the closest we'll ever get to a baldur's gate/final fantasy tactics hybrid in terms of actual quality, and as a bonus it has porn. I definitely cannot wait to pay for the full release on steam. Do you have an ETA on that? Anything from 1-2 years or are you expecting more?


We probably don't deserve to be compared to those games but I take it! We don't like to give an ETA because it will 100% be wrong and we don't know anyway. But the main story has been planned for a long time and we are past the halfway point. More than 1 year though.


Put it up for Wish-listing on Steam, ill definitely buy it (Make sure there are also Achievements, there are people who are junkies out there, definitely not me)


alrdy have an ETA account

not to make anyone jealous or anything

What is the duration of the game on the site?

The public build is probably at least 6 hours, more if you do all the fights. The patreon build is many more hours (25h+ ?). Check the walkthrough to have an idea of the content.


Hi, i just want to ask if this game will ever be for android or nah?? It looks like It's not going to be on Android but it would be SO great.


It will be eventually.


estaré al pendiente del juego.

mi única pregunta es si estará en steam .

recuerdo haberlo jugado en mi antigua pc hace algún tiempo creo que fue la build 13 y no tenia el español ahora con el idioma tengo aun mas ganas de jugarlo cuándo este completo XD.

Any approximate date for its full release on a platform like Steam? Outside of porn and all that, the gameplay, ambient lore and the fact that it is handmade seems very interesting to me

We don't have a date for that yet. We have a set main story we want to implement, but it takes time as you can imagine.


TeamDeadDeer, Please translate this game into Russian, it is a very difficult text for a Russian person to understand.


Not so difficult to learn simple English btw


Слушай, друг, я, конечно, понимаю твою позицию в этом вопросе, но и ты пойми что тяжело играть в игры не на родном языке. Иди учи русский язык - если игра на русском, так что-ли? Ну бред же.

дядь, английский учить надо и знать хотя бы на базовом уровне, язык международного общения как-никак


bet it will be popular on steam one day 

if have Chinese will be perfect

We'll have Chinese eventually, but we have a lot of things on our plate at the moment.






My character avatars aren't showing up. Help. I can only see the character shadows.

Could you take a screenshot?
Are you playing on windows? What is your config?


una pregunta, como se guarda la partida?

Are the quests that are only available for patreon going to be put out for public? I just wanted to be sure as the walkthrough site says 'currently patreon only' for those quests

(3 edits) (+1)

No I don't think we'll add more quests to the public build anymore, since the goal is to eventually sell the full game here or on steam, and there is already enough free ones to have a good idea if you like the game or not. I'll edit the walkthrough since it's confusing.

ok thanks!


would love if you would sell it on steam will be a 100% buy from me then 


Will this be coming out for Android any time soon?

(1 edit)

One day yes, but it's not as easy as it sounds (the game is already 8GB and there is all the UI / controls to adapt).

Does the game works on joiplay or any other similar app?

(1 edit)

I don't think it does sadly.

well I'll wait for the day it comes out then


well I'll wait for the day it comes out then

Hello, I was wondering where the saves are kept, as i only want my own saves available and find it annoying that every time i load the game there's a bunch of saves the game came with that I cant get rid of

They are here:

But you can't remove the detault saves, the game will recreate them.


Please add Korean too

(1 edit)

With how the patreon integration works, do you also lose the full access to older versions if you unsubscribe? The ambiguity is scaring me off a bit

Edit: found that you don't lose access below in other comments, which is great! You guys should probably add that to the FAQ on the site, I'm sure other people have wondered but not bothered asking

Yeah fair enough, I will add it.

It's a very stuffy fight, I still can't overcome the moment in the palace.I am being beaten by 5 people at the same time and I die in a matter of seconds💀💀(Sorry for my poor English, I'm just learning)

The game itself is very good. But there is a lot of text in the dialogues, this causes difficulties


The combat is not well balanced yet, so if you have trouble for too long you can always skip it (bottom right button)

Oh,I was blind, thanks

other than cheats (i read that in the earlier comments)

are the patreon versions further developed than this public one?

Indeed, you can check which quests and scenes are patreon only in the walkthrough here.


this gives me a lot of CoC (Corruption of Champions) vibes and im all down for it plus the amount of work you guys must have put into this game for all the animations and sprites and mechanics as well as the dialogue wording for everything. im all for this game and cant wait to see it fully finished also i love the designs of the characters you guys did an amazing job at making them incredibly sexy.

Thank you very much! Some scenes were written by a CoC writer actually (SKoW).

haha knew there was an element of CoC in the game lol.


Hi, can you add Arabic language in support of Palestine? I saw that you did this with the Ukrainian language


We don't do politics, the main artist is Ukrainian, that's why there is Ukrainian. We'd support every language on earth if we could, but we can't at the moment.

Will the app download the right game or just a scene or something?


It's the game.






I got to ask; Samara reminds me heavily of Inej and her sister from Ravager. Are they drawn by the same artist, or is it inspired ? Or pure coincidence ?


Different artist, and PFF is a bit older than Ravager, so there could be some influence? (which is would be cool)

Thank you kindly for your answer, even if I saw it months later.

Will there ever be more character customisation? Like, different races to choose from, hair customisation, eye customisation, maybe even the ability to choose your character's gender?

We might add some more cosmetic customization, but no other race / gender, since it would be too much work to adapt all the dialogue and scenes.


If this game have a arrow lead it will be better cause I get lost all the time.

There is a walkthrough here:

you know am have a short memory and alway forget my way to my quest path and spend my whole hour of finding it

We can probably add some kind of indicator for people who want to enable it.

My brain is dead and I not think that hard


Any plans for an Android version?


Yes but we don't have time to work on it yet.

como lo pongo en español es que no medeja

I still say the same thing on the page it says more information it says Spanish castilian but it doesn't look like anything in the games how I put it in Spanish

(1 edit) (+1)

You can select the language when you create a new game (not in the web demo, the actual game).

thank you if it helped me

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